
BOKU University was founded in Vienna in 1872 and offers a wide range of courses in the natural and life sciences, which is currently used by more than 12,000 students. Through its applied study programmes, BOKU has a long tradition of cooperation with the general public. Thus, one of the university's main focuses is also the communication of new findings to the general public. In…
The Naturschutzbund has a long tradition of cooperation between science and nature conservation. For more than 100 years its members (including many scientists) have been working together to promote nature conservation in Austria. Due to the many different skills and the great shared expertise of its members, it is possible to work for nature conservation and at the same time collect valuable data on biodiversity.…
GenTeam is a loose association of genealogists who work independently or in teams on databases and want to make these data available to all researchers free of charge. All staff members work voluntarily; GenTeam is not profit-oriented. The geographical focus of the data collections is on present-day Austria and its neighbouring areas. GenTeam is one of the partners of the first hours of the Citizen…
The Agency for Health and Food Safety GmbH (AGES) is a company of the Republic of Austria and was founded on 1 June 2002. AGES runs its own citizen science projects, such as the project "Tea Bag Index", in which experiments on the decomposition process in soil are conducted with the help of tea bags in order to better understand the global CO2 cycle. With…
The Centre for Social Innovation (ZSI) is a social science institute, located in Vienna and employs about 60 people. The ZSI was founded in 1990 and since then has carried out over 600 projects worldwide. Citizen Science has also been part of the ZSI's research area for a long time. For example, staff members of the Institute have contributed to the White Paper on Citizen…
The Austrian Mycological Society (ÖMG) is a learned society. It represents the practical and scientific mycology and is open to all interested persons. The ÖMG has a long history dating back to 1919 and has been open to the public since its foundation. It was even founded especially to work closely with the population, because in the founding period there was a shortage of food,…
With almost 30,000 students and six faculties, the University of Graz is the largest university in Styria and with its foundation in 1585 the second oldest university in Austria. With the motto "We work for tomorrow", the University of Graz emphasises its commitment to research and teaching on various future issues. One of the flagship projects for 2023-2026 aims to provide innovative impetus to promote dialogue…
With 653 years of age and almost 94,000 students, the University of Vienna is the oldest and largest university in Austria. Since it was founded in 1365, the University of Vienna is also the oldest university in the German-speaking world. The university is divided into 15 faculties with 4 centres, which together offer 187 courses of study. The University of Vienna is very strong in…
The Municipal Department 22 for Environmental Protection (MA 22 for short) of the City of Vienna is the only authority that is represented with a citizen science project on Österreich forscht, namely the "Wiener Gebäudebrütern". However, MA 22 has been focusing on citizen science for a long time. With the help of the apps "Naturbeobachten in Wien" and "Wiener Flora und Fauna App" and via…
The OeAD advises, promotes and connects people and institutions in education, science, research and culture with its future-oriented programmes. As the agency for education and internationalisation of the Republic of Austria, it is the interface to educational opportunities for all phases of life - from kindergarten and school to higher education and science, vocational training and adult education. With different funding lines, children, young people…
Open Knowledge Maps is a registered association that develops a revolutionary new method of visualizing scientific knowledge. Thus, one can see at a glance which areas have been researched on a certain topic or where there are still gaps. Access to Open Knowledge Maps is free of charge and therfore enables people who are not employed by an academic institution to discover and use knowledge.…
The AIT (Austrian Institute of Technology) is Austria's largest non-university research institution and is the specialist for the central infrastructure topics of the future among European research institutions. The AIT's research and technological development work results in fundamental innovations for the next generation of infrastructure technologies in the fields of Energy, Mobility Systems, Low-Emission Transport, Health & Bioresources, Digital Safety & Security, Vision, Automation &…
In its zoological and ecological studies, the Private Institute for Wildlife Biology Apodemus is engaged in basic research (e.g. habitat use, community and population ecology) and in topics of nature and species conservation. The Apodemus team designs specialized planning and development concepts and carries out population surveys and progress assessments. The evaluation methods include zoological skills such as preparation, the creation of statistical models as…
IIASA is an international research institute based in Laxenburg near Vienna. Its main focus is on interdisciplinary research in the fields of environment, economy, technology and population with regard to the human dimension of global change. IIASA was founded on the initiative of the United States of America and the Soviet Union during the Cold War as a bridge between scientists from East and West.…
We are very happy to introduce the University of Salzburg as an important partner in the Citizen Science Network Austria. Not only has the University of Salzburg already organized a Salzburg Citizen Science Conference in 2016, but it also welcomed the 4th Austrian Citizen Science Conference and co-organized it. Numerous citizen science projects on Österreich forscht come from the University of Salzburg, and the Kontaktstelle…
The Austrian Center for Digital Humanities at the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ACDH-ÖAW) was one of our first partners from the humanities. It has set itself the goal of strengthening the humanities through the application of digital technologies and methods and offers various services in this area. In its research, the ACDH-ÖAW team deals mainly with questions concerning texts or language, especially dialects. The ExploreAT…
The Ludwig Boltzmann Society (LBG) is a research institution with thematic focuses in medicine, the life sciences as well as the humanities, social and cultural sciences, and it specifically initiates new research topics in Austria. Together with academic and applying partners, the LBG currently operates 18 Ludwig Boltzmann Institutes and develops and tests new forms of cooperation between science and non-scientific actors such as companies,…
Archaeopublica, the association for the promotion of citizen participation in archaeology, sees itself as a mediator between the interested public and the archaeological professional community. Voluntary lay researchers support archaeologists in the discovery, research and preservation of archaeological monuments. Archaeologists, for their part, support lay researchers in pursuing their interests in a meaningful and legal manner. The public interest in archaeology and monument preservation is…
The FH St. Pölten GmbH is locally rooted, globally interconnected and stands for high-quality university education in the departments of Railway Technology and Mobility, Health, Information Technology and Security, Media and Digital Technologies, Media and Economy, and Social Affairs. The combination of the subject areas in teaching and research creates space for interdisciplinary scientific findings, products and solutions for business and society. With the project…
The Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck – founded in 1669 - is the largest university in western Austria. Located on a traditional north-south route connecting Europe, it is internationally oriented and regionally rooted. Conscious of this tradition, it builds bridges to the future. Its strength lies in its ability to productively combine supposedly contradictory elements: globally oriented and regionally motivated research questions, self-confidently breaking with the familiar and…
BirdLife Österreich is the only nationally and internationally active bird conservation organisation in Austria. Since its foundation in 1953, BirdLife has been implementing scientifically sound nature and bird conservation projects to protect Austria's birdlife and its habitats. BirdLife is involved in four core areas: Species conservation Protected areas and habitats Sustainability Awareness raising With BirdLife Austria, one of the first citizen science actors in Austria…
The Blühendes Österreich Foundation was established by REWE International AG in May 2015. It is the first and leading non-profit private foundation for the protection and promotion of biodiversity in Austria. The core purpose of the foundation is to support owners and managers of valuable and endangered ecological areas such as meagre meadows, dry grassland, traditional orchards, moors and wetlands, hedges and raines or old…
The WasserCluster Lunz is an inter-university centre for the research of water bodies. It is managed in cooperation of the University of Vienna, the University for Continuing Education Krems (Danube University Krems) and the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna, and is funded by the Federal State of Lower Austria and the City of Vienna. Lakes, brooks, rivers, floodplains provide space for many…
ICARUS is a non-profit association under Austrian law and consists of more than 160 archival and related institutions from more than 30 European countries, Canada and the USA. The ICARUS community is part of numerous international projects. Whether as lead partner or regular project partner, ICARUS always contributes its knowledge and experience in order to expand the range of archival expertise and to carry out…
The University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna is the only veterinary, academic educational and research institution in Austria and at the same time the oldest in the German speaking countries (founded 1765 by Empress Maria Theresia). The University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna conducts research on topics that are important for society. It focuses on animal health as well as preventive veterinary medicine, public health and food…
The Institut for Advanced Studies (IHS) is a non-university, highly visible and well-connected research centre in the economic and social sciences, which develops issues in dialogue with politics and science and provides both scientific and policy-relevant contributions. Its scientists work in an application-oriented manner on issues that are geared to current social challenges and anticipate future policy-relevant issues. Private sector consultancies in particular do not…
The Österreichische Kuratorium für Landtechnik und Landentwicklung (ÖKL) is a non-profit association (founded in 1947), acting on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Sustainability and Tourism and sees itself as Platform for discussion, coordination and information for rural areas, Link between research, administration and practice, "Catalyst" for the implementation of new ideas and projects and as Liaison office to authorities, offices, ministries, universities, testing institutes…
The Medical University of Vienna (short: MedUni Vienna) is one of the most long-established medical training and research institutions in Europe. With around 8,000 students it is today the largest medical training institution in the German-speaking countries. With its 26 university clinics and three clinical institutes, 12 medical theory centres and numerous highly specialised laboratories, it is also one of the most important top research…
The Austrian Science Fund FWF (Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung) is Austria's central institution for the promotion of basic research. The FWF aims at the progression of science at a high international level. It contributes to cultural development, to the expansion of the knowledge-based society and thus to the increase of added value and prosperity in Austria. The objectives of the FWF are: Strengthening…
The Neusiedler See - Seewinkel National Park is the only steppe national park in Austria and is home to a wealth of animal and plant species. The National Park is particularly famous for the many bird species that can be observed there. This is why the National Park is also particularly popular with ornithologists. The diversity of habitats found in the National Park is also…
The Geosphere Austria (Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik (ZAMG)) is also a partner in the Citizen Science Network Austria. Founded in 1851, ZAMG is the national meteorological and geophysical service of Austria. We are particularly pleased about this partnership, as Geosphere Austra has a long tradition of involving citizens in the observation of weather and similar phenomena. But not only observations can be reported to…
The FH Campus Wien is the largest university of applied sciences in Austria. The FH Campus Wien offers over 6000 students a wide range of degree programmes in the fields of applied life sciences, engineering, building and design, public sector, health sciences, nursing science and social studies. After a jointly organised successful workshop on "How can I integrate citizen science into my research" and the…
With the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences, the third university of applied sciences is already part of the Citizen Science Network Austria. With 2700 students in the faculties of engineering, social and economic sciences, design, media and art and health sciences, the FH Salzburg offers practical training and applied research. In its vision, society is at the centre of attention, which also makes the FH…
We are very pleased to welcome the University College for Agrarian and Environmental Pedagogy in Ober St. Veit to the Citizen Science Network Austria. It is Austria's only training centre for agricultural and environmental pedagogues, teachers from the agricultural education system and employees of the agricultural consulting and support service. Apart from training, the University also conducts scientifically sound research in the sense of research-based…
We are very pleased to welcome the Wiener Volkshochschulen (Vienna Adult Education Centres, VHS) to the Citizen Science Network Austria. The Vienna Adult Education Centres offer courses on a wide range of topics for an interested audience. These courses are spread all over the city and offer the right course for every taste. As the largest adult education institution in the German-speaking world, the Vienna…
The University of Klagenfurt, founded in 1970, is one of the young public universities in Austria. The degree programmes on offer cover a broad portfolio: Cultural Studies, Literature & Linguistics, Law, Economics, Social & Societal Sciences and Technical Sciences. Around 2,000 of the 12,000 students come to Klagenfurt from almost 100 countries around the world to study here. The campus of the University of Klagenfurt is…
It is with great pleasure that we welcome our newest and at the same time most western member of the Citizen Science Network Austria: the inatura in Dornbirn. The inatura is not only an interactive exhibition space where visitors can learn everything about the nature of Vorarlberg, it also offers further education courses, expert advice and is also a research centre. As a multifunctional institution,…
We are very pleased to welcome the University of Applied Sciences Carinthia (FH Kärnten) as a new partner in the Citizen Science Network Austria. The Carinthian University of Applied Sciences lives the model of direct practical relevance. Full-time and part-time employees as well as guest lecturers from industry and business ensure an interdisciplinary, internationally oriented university education. At present, about 30 study programmes are offered…
The Natural History Museum in Vienna houses world-famous and unique exhibits, such as the 29,500-year-old Venus of Willendorf, the Stellers manatee, which became extinct over 200 years ago, or huge dinosaur skeletons. Furthermore, the world's largest and oldest meteorite display collection with the spectacular new addition, the Mars meteorite "Tissint", the permanent anthropological exhibition on the origin and development of mankind and the new prehistoric…
University for Continuing Education Krems The University for Continuing Education Krems specialises in in-service continuing education. As a public university for continuing education, it works with its expertise in teaching and research to meet societal challenges and aligns its study programme accordingly. With its Master's degree programmes and short programmes in nine thematic fields, it addresses working professionals in particular. With around 8,000 students from…
The Practical Robotics Institute Austria, PRIA for short, serves to encourage the next generation of scientists and engineers through robotics and ICT, as well as application-oriented research in current topics in robotics, automation and ICT. With regard to pedagogy and education, PRIA works to increase the interest of children and young people in research, technology and innovation. This is achieved, for example, by involving schoolchildren…
Johannes Kepler University Linz, founded in 1966, is with its four faculties and three schools a broad-based university with an overall focus on technology. The understanding of technology is inter- and transdisciplinary and forward-looking. It is based on a strong foundation in the fields of technology, science, economics, law and medicine that is unique in its interplay. The JKU sees itself as a regionally rooted…
The University of Upper Austria the second biggest teacher training institution in the country. It provides teacher training for primary school teachers, vocational school teachers, and secondary school teachers. The university offers Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees and is also responsible for providing continuing education programmes for employed teachers of all levels and school types in the region of Upper Austria. The University of Education Upper…
Graz University of Technology has built up an impressive record of achievements in teaching and research over more than 200 years. The research activities range from high-quality basic research and application-oriented research to industrial implementation. Co-operation projects with science and business play an important role. In five “Fields of Expertise” TU Graz carries out top research in important areas for the future. Nearly 14,000 students…
The Medical University of Innsbruck is a young research centre with a long tradition. The Jesuits established a grammar school in Innsbruck as early as 1562. These were the foundations of the University that was inaugurated in 1669 by Emperor Leopold I. A special tax was levied on salt from Hall – the ‘Hall salt levy’ – to secure funding. The Medical University of Innsbruck…
As the central scientific library of the Republic of Austria, the Austrian National Library looks back on a history rich in tradition dating back to the 14th century. Due to its unique collections, it is one of the most renowned libraries worldwide. One of its main tasks is the collection and archiving of publications published in Austria, including the Austrian web space. Through comprehensive digitisation of its…
The TU Wien is Austria's largest research and educational institution in the field of technology and natural sciences. More than 4,000 scientists are researching "technology for people" in five main research areas at eight faculties. The content of the studies offered is derived from the excellent research. More than 27,000 students in 55 degree programmes benefit from this. As a driver of innovation, TU Wien…
bee produced GmbH launches the first digital B2B marketplace for local electronics production including a white label solution for use in the websites of electronics producers. The new marketplace helps companies to easily and quickly find suitable electronics producers in their vicinity and to coordinate their needs with them in detail using the structured ordering process and the integrated collaboration tool. This significantly simplifies the…
The Global Underwater Explorers (GUE) was founded 25 years ago by a small group of research-minded students in Florida. Their initial goal was to explore the unexplored caves of the region. But what emerged from their endeavours went far beyond pure exploration. Driven by the diversity of skills in their team, the founders recognised the need for a standardised approach. Thus, the concept of "Doing…
Central European University, based in Vienna, brings together students and faculty from more than 100 countries in a close-knit community that promotes dialog and collaboration across borders, cultures and disciplines. Accredited in Austria and the USA, the private university is internationally recognized for its academic excellence and is currently ranked in the top 50 in the world in two fields of study. A deeply interdisciplinary approach permeates…
Since its foundation in 1840, Montanuniversität Leoben has developed its profile in several phases and today positions itself as a university for "Responsible and Circular Systems". Its expertise extends along the "circularity of systems" from raw material extraction to production processes, a wide range of products and recycling. This is reflected in the central areas of expertise of Advanced Resources, Sustainable Processes and Smart Materials.…
The Haus der Natur exists since 1924 and is a universal museum of natural sciences with a regional and international focus as well as a centre of natural competence for the city and province of Salzburg. The first voluntary working group with a direct connection to the Haus der Natur was founded in 1935 as the "Zoological-Botanical Working Group of the Natural History Museum". Over…
Gain insights. Understand history. Experience nature. In the impressive architecture of Hans Hollein, the Museum Niederösterreich in the cultural district of St. Pölten combines two places of encounter with science and research: the House of Nature and the House of History. Both houses offer continuously adapted and modernised main exhibitions as well as special exhibitions. The interactive, visually sophisticated exhibitions are accompanied by a comprehensive…
The Association of Austrian Adult Education Centres (Verband Österreichischer Volkshochschulen – VÖV), founded in 1950, is a non-partisan educational organisation with a long tradition based on a federal structure. It can look back on a specific tradition of adult and general education in Austria that dates back to well into the 19th century. Today, the adult education centres are the largest adult education institution in…