by Uta E., Pixabay licence (

Österreichisches Kuratorium für Landtechnik und Landentwicklung

The Österreichische Kuratorium für Landtechnik und Landentwicklung (ÖKL) is a non-profit association (founded in 1947), acting on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Sustainability and Tourism and sees itself as

  • Platform for discussion, coordination and information for rural areas,
  • Link between research, administration and practice,
  • "Catalyst" for the implementation of new ideas and projects and as
  • Liaison office to authorities, offices, ministries, universities, testing institutes etc.

The aims of the association are the promotion and further development of innovative production processes and application techniques in agriculture and the energy sector, the safeguarding and improvement of the economic efficiency and function of buildings (house and farm) in agricultural construction, the coordination between the requirements of modern agricultural techniques and the sustainable development of rural areas, the preservation of the cultural landscape in terms of regional land use planning, ecology and land development, the competitiveness and social quality on family farms and the transfer of information as a decision-making aid without detours to where it is needed (local authorities, farmers, advisers, experts).

Through this very practical work and through its commitment to citizen science with the Biodiversity Monitoring by Farmers, the ÖKL is a competent partner in the citizen science Network Austria and we are very pleased that the association supports the network with its expertise.

OKL Logo mit Text 300 dpi