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Institute of Advanced Studies

The Institut for Advanced Studies (IHS) is a non-university, highly visible and well-connected research centre in the economic and social sciences, which develops issues in dialogue with politics and science and provides both scientific and policy-relevant contributions. Its scientists work in an application-oriented manner on issues that are geared to current social challenges and anticipate future policy-relevant issues.

Private sector consultancies in particular do not have the opportunity or expertise to offer this independent research work at a high level. Conversely, university research cannot always provide the necessary bundling and interdisciplinary research that is needed. The IHS combines economic and social science disciplines under one roof and organises its research in thematically oriented, agile research units. It is a reliable, independent partner for politics and society and provides policy-relevant and scientifically sound expertise in selected longer-term topics.

Thus, the IHS has been active for a long time, especially in research on citizen science. We are therefore very pleased to have IHS as a very competent partner in this area of research in the Citizen Science Network Austria.

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