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The OeAD advises, promotes and connects people and institutions in education, science, research and culture with its future-oriented programmes. As the agency for education and internationalisation of the Republic of Austria, it is the interface to educational opportunities for all phases of life - from kindergarten and school to higher education and science, vocational training and adult education. With different funding lines, children, young people as well as adults are enabled to participate in social processes as well as in science, art and culture.

With its Center for Citizen Science and, especially, the Young Science initiatives, the OeAD supports the engagement of young people and adults with science and research in order to gain a better understanding of research and scientific work. The Center for Citizen Science serves as an information, advisory and service point for citizen science and carries out a number of initiatives such as the annual research competition "Citizen Science Award". With the centre, the OeAD primarily addresses researchers and scientific institutions with the aim of increasing awareness of the citizen science research approach in Austria. The research funding programme "Sparkling Science 2.0" and the funding of "Children's and Youth Universities" are also coordinated at the OeAD Center. Other Young Science initiatives such as the Young Science Ambassadors, who visit schools on a voluntary basis, the Young Science topic platform for pre-scientific work or diploma theses or the initiative "Pupils to Universities" are primarily aimed at schools and extracurricular educational institutions.

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