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Institution: Verein Österreichischer Polleninformationsdienst
Project lead: Dr. med. Berger Markus
Tuchlauben 7a, 1010 Wien
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Ragweed Finder

The Ragweed Finder was developed in 2017 by the Austrian Pollen Information Service at MedUni Vienna and has also been available to download as an app for Android and iOS since 2019.

The Ragweed Finder consists of four components:

  1. Specimen report
  2. Ragweed distribution map
  3. Information about Ragweed
  4. Manual to recognize ragweed

Specimen report

The most important data such as location, population size and symptoms can be entered quickly using the specimen report. Uploading a photo is mandatory, otherwise a reported specimen cannot be verified by the experts of the Ragweed Finder team. Users can decide whether to report by name or anonymously (only via email address).

Ragweed distribution map

Already verified specimen reports of ragweed are listed herein within the current season. The number of symbols amounts to the number of reports displayed on the map. The colouring around the specimen sites indicate the symptom intensity.

About Ragweed

What is ragweed? Where does it grow? What is known about ragweed pollen allergy? What can be done? These and other questions are answered in this compilation of the most important information about ragweed.

Recognize Ragweed

Some ragweed pollen allergy sufferers do not know their allergy trigger and may walk along an infested field without recognizing the plant. However, in order to report ragweed, a reliable identification of the plant is required. Many photos as well as a short instruction on how to take convincing pictures turns the interested citizen into a ragweed expert.

What happens with the specimen reports?

First of all, the specimen reports have to be evaluated. Each verified report is then transferred to the distribution map. Users will be informed about the evaluation of their specimen report via e-mail. The verified specimen reports are forwarded once a week to the responsible institutions/federal state governments. This enables the authorities to set appropriate corrective actions (e.g. mowing) and locate ragweed hotspots.

So far, there is no comprehensive legal obligation to report or remove ragweed in Austria. Only in Burgenland a law to control and prevent the spread of ragweed was passed in 2021.


  1. For the first time, a tool for recording ragweed plants is available free of charge for all of Austria.
  2. The ragweed distribution map is available for the public.
  3. Thanks to a guideline and a checklist for reporting ragweed specimen, anyone can identify and report ragweed.

Ragweed pollen allergy sufferers can be an active support to contain the uncontrolled spread of ragweed!

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This project fulfils version 1.1 of the quality criteria for citizen science projects on Österreich forscht.

Tagged under
  • plants
  • health
Read 2006 times| Last modified on Tuesday, 25 February 2025 14:44