(c) by Wolfgang Dämon
Institution: Österreichische Mykologische Gesellschaft,
Department of Botany and Biodiversity Research,
University of Vienna
Project lead: Irmgard Krisai-Greilhuber
Rennweg 14
1030 Wien
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The project Pilzdaten-Austria.eu aims at a comprehensive documentation of the occurrence and distribution of fungi in Austria, and to present and evaluate the available data. It is an Austria-wide cooperation of numerous mycologists, citizen scientists and institutions, which collect distribution data of fungi or hold collections of fungal specimens, coordinated by the Austrian Mycological Society.

The freely accessible online database Pilzdaten-Austria.eu continues the previous Bio-Office database of Austria's mushrooms and allows to view dynamic maps of more than 16,095 fungal species from almost 61,836 localities and to download the more than 748,186 records as tables according to various selection criteria and sorting. In addition to location and collection date, many reports contain notes on habitats and substrates, on the identification and documentation of the mushroom as well as the sourceof the stored data. Hints on further data sources, constructive comments as well as suggestions for further improvents of the Mushroom Data Austria are welcome. New reports of finds are checked before they are fed into the system.

Cooperation, especially the communication of mushroom findings, is explicitly desired. Everyone can contribute to the expansion by uploading their own finds (individual records or excel lists) and photos. 

The web pages also contain Latin and German names of the mushrooms recorded in the database as well as an indication of the degree of endangerment. Many species of fungi are also presented with pictures A considerable number of observations on the occurrence of fungal species are reported by amateur mycologists. Citizen scientists throughout Austria are thus making a significant contribution to the project's success with their fungal data.

Participation in the database project, especially the communication of fungal findings, is welcome. Please do not hesitate to contact us.

On request the raw data will be made available to interested persons. Please contact us via our contact form.

Podcast episode

If you would like to learn more, you can listen to the Wissen macht Leute podcast episode about the project (in German). More information can be found here.

Photo gallery

Tagged under
  • food
  • fungi
Read 2820 times| Last modified on Wednesday, 14 February 2024 11:10