With Picture Pile you can contribute to solving global problems as climate chance and malnutrition by sorting piles of pictures together with other players.
Sorting the pictures is very easy and works in a similar way to other Apps. A question is asked about a displayed image, for example: “Is farmland visible in the image?”. Now the player can slide the picture to the right or to the left to answer the question with “yes” or “no”. Alternatively, you can slide the picture down, if you are not sure. Picture Pile can be viewed in the browser, on the iPhone, iPad and Android.
All collected data (except private information such as the players’ e-mail addresses) are made freely accessible to everyone after a data check and can thus be used by scientists all over the world to answer important research questions.
Among other things, Picture Pile improves global landscape data sets that are used in a variety of environmental applications and sociological studies, for example for research into climate change damage, deforestation, or biodiversity. The contribution of citizen scientists is central to the validation and improvement of this landscape data.
This project fulfilled version 1.1 of the quality criteria for citizen science projects on Österreich forscht.