(C) S. Haigermoser
Project lead: Martin Himly
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Nan-O-Style is a research and education project by the University of Salzburg, Department of Biosciences.

What is Nan-O-Style researching?

Nan-O-Style researches the complex topic of nanotechnology. Together with Austrian schools, we want to discover new and previously unknown interactions between modern lifestyle products and nanomaterials. Are there undesirable interactions and do these change the properties of the product? Everyone encounters nanotechnology in day-to-day life. But how informed is the general public on this subject? – These are all questions that we want to answer with Nan-O-Style!


Collaboration between university and school

New, fresh ideas and scientific research converge. Through cooperations with international educational partners, interactive materials that go beyond research work are developed for interdisciplinary natural science lessons.

What do we want to learn from you?

Nanotechnology is already available in many day-to-day products. But what do you know about them? Was nanotechnology already covered in your education? Do you want to be better informed about nanotechnology?

How can you participate?

An online questionnaire will ask questions about nanotechnology and survey your personal stance. Visit us on our website, then go directly to the questionnaire (in German) at or scan the QR-code below and take part in the questionnaire.

Umfrage A1 final

Where can you find more information about nanotechnology?

On Tuesday, 26 February 2019, the Open NanoScience Congress (ONSC), a public conference on nanotechnology, took place in Salzburg. Pupils from the Nan-O-Style project by Sparkling Science actively participated in the conference and presented their work in a chaired poster session titled “Nano-Research Spotlights”. There were also keynote lectures by the invited experts and insights into ongoing research projects at the University of Salzburg. A nano exhibition with hands-on stations and analytical apparatus to measure nanoparticles rounded off the ONSC. Interested parties and school groups were very welcome. The programme and registration can be found at www.uni-salzburg.at/ONSC.

Online: Research results on nanomaterials and their impacts on people and the environment are made available to the public on the internet platform www.nanopartikel.info. The aim of this internet platform is to format current research results to be understandable for interested parties.

Who is involved in the project?

The Department of Biosciences at the University of Salzburg worked together with several partners on this project.

The schools involved are: BRG Lerchenfeld (Carinthia), BRG Schloss Wagrain (Upper Austria), BRG Solar City (Upper Austria), Gymnasium Ort (Upper Austria), HLW St. Veit (Carinthia), HLBLA St. Florian (Upper Austria), Multi Augustinum (Salzburg), HTL LMT (Upper Austria), PdC BORG Radstadt (Salzburg). The school network is overseen by Reinhard Nestelbacher at DNA Consult Sciencetainment.

Nan-O-Style also involves international partners, such as the ORT Moshinsky research and development institute in Tel Aviv, the cc-NanoBioNet German association and an educational partner in Barcelona (Nanoeduca).

Sparkling Science Project SPA 06/270 supported by BMBWF. Runtime: 1. Oktober 2017 - 31. Dezember 2019.

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  • economy
Read 1505 times| Last modified on Thursday, 13 January 2022 09:20