Institution: MedUni Vienna, Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Applied Diagnostics
Project lead: Markus Mitterhauser
AKH Wien, c/o Sekretariat Nuklearmedizin, Währinger Gürtel 18-20, 1090 Wien
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

PATIO - Patient Involvement in Oncology

Be an expert on your disease and join our research!

The PATIO initiative is working hard to strengthen the voices of prostate cancer patients and their caregivers heard in medical research.

Why is it important to act now? 

Porstate cancer affects a considerable number of people in Austria. On the one hand, around 65,000 men have suffered from this particular type of cancer by the end of 2020 (Statistics Austria, 2022), and on the other hand, there are countless partners, children, grandchildren and close friends who stand by the side of those directly affected by the disease. Over time, caregivers acquire more and more knowledge about prostate cancer and thus become valuable mediators of the everyday life with the disease and the corresponding research. 

Our aim is to make everyday life with prostate cancer easier for those affected by the disease with the help of a digital communication tool. 

Being disgnosed with "cancer" is a dramatic experience and prostate cancer is likely to be a challenging disease both during and after treatment. In addition to the physical effects, the disease can also affect your personal relationships, hobbies, work life and financial situation. It is your individual strategies for coping with the side effects of cancer that can be extremely valuable not only to other people affected by cancer, but also to research!

This is where the PATIO initiative comes in. Since 2020, we have been working closely with a total of nine patients and one patient's relative to improve the overall quality of life. We want to learn from their personal stories and experiences. Together, we want to find ways to improve everyday life with prostate cancer for everyone involved.

“PATIOSpots” as a result of direct public participation and engagement

The “PATIOSpots” health guide app was developed in a co-design and co-creation process with people affected. It allows users to find various relevant contact points on a worldwide map or to enter them themselves in a participatory way. Points of contact can be, for example, toilets, treatment centres, support groups, medical supply shops, etc. Other features can also be added to the locations (opening hours, cleanliness, facilities, etc.). The app is also directly linked to our website Articles on current scientific issues and everyday life with prostate cancer are also regularly published here. Our "PATIO Lounge" forum is another networking platform where people can exchange views on various topics.

PATIO's vision is to provide the best possible information on treatment options and advice on how to manage the symptoms of the disease, but also to provide a communication platform for internal exchange and an interface between doctors and patients.

The initiative

The PATIO initiative is a collaborative research project that brings together scientific knowledge from different disciplines and the practical expertise of prostate cancer patients in Austria. The project is being carried out at the Medical University of Vienna in collaboration with scientists from academia as well as with the official support group for prostate cancer in Austria. Nine patients and one relative contribute their knowledge and life experience to the extended team. The project was funded by the Open Innovation in Science Center of the Ludwig Boltzmann Society.

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This project fulfils version 1.1 of the quality criteria for citizen science projects on Österreich forscht.

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Read 1573 times| Last modified on Tuesday, 25 February 2025 14:48