Market garden centres work according to so-called bio-intensive methods. This means utilising the maximum possible natural yield potential on the land. This yield potential results from the respective location, the climatic conditions (temperature, precipitation, wind, etc.), the production methods and, to a large extent, the soil itself. Beside the type of soil and texture, the thickness of the individual soil layers, the condition of the soil in terms of soil fertility and soil health is of enormous importance for market gardeners. While the term soil fertility refers more to the function of productivity (mineral, physical and biological aspects), the term soil health is defined more systemically and expanded to include other soil functions. In addition to the productivity function, the water storage function, the habitat function for plants and soil organisms and their diversity, the nutrient management function and the climate function as a carbon store are relevant for market garden centres. In order to run a market garden successfully and sustainably, the soil condition in terms of its fertility and health must not only be maintained, but even improved in the course of cultivation. The goal in every market garden is therefore not only sustainable soil management, but also regenerative soil management. In this project, soil data such as aggregate stability, soil structure, temperature, moisture, infiltration, degree of mulch cover and compaction data are collected according to scientific principles. Data such as the degree of mulch coverage is collected directly from the gardeners, as we collect the data at 14-day intervals. The respective test facilities and test questions were customised together with the respective farm, as we attach great importance to practical questions.
For this project, participation is closed.
This project fulfils version 1.1 of the quality criteria for citizen science projects on Österreich forscht.