Together we can limit the spread of invasive species and protect the biodiversity of our mountain regions!
Our Citizen Science project is dedicated to monitoring invasive alien species (IAS) in the mountain regions of the Karawanken Geopark. Invasive species are plants or animals introduced by human activity into regions where they do not originally occur, often through intercontinental trade. While most introduced species rely on human support to survive, some can adapt and thrive independently. A subset of these become invasive, posing significant threats to native ecosystems.
Invasive alien species spread rapidly because they produce large quantities of seeds, grow quickly, and have few natural enemies in their new environment. This allows them to colonize new areas swiftly and displace native species. They can also affect water supplies, agriculture, and human health.
Mountain regions are less affected by invasive plants, but the risk is increasing due to climate change and human land use. These species are often introduced at lower altitudes and spread along corridors such as roads, hiking trails, and watercourses to higher altitudes. Seeds and spores can stick to tires, shoes, and tools, facilitating their spread. Intentionally introduced plants, such as seed mixtures for roadsides or ski slopes and ornamental plants, also contribute to their spread.
Once invasive species appear in mountainous regions, they are difficult to control due to the challenging terrain. To take appropriate measures, it is essential to monitor the populations of these species in the Geopark.
The Karawanken UNESCO Global Geopark covers an area of 1,067 km² and includes five Slovenian and nine Austrian municipalities. This cross-border area is a unique natural and cultural experience region characterized by its outstanding geological heritage. The aim of the Geopark is to preserve the geological and natural resources as well as the cultural heritage of its members. By raising awareness, providing information, and education about the Geopark and its network at European and global levels, it contributes to strengthening its position as an important geopark. The Geopark also promotes economic use through sustainable tourism and supports cross-border cooperation for the sustainable development of the region.
Further information about the Karawanken Geopark can be found on the Geopark homepage.
Image 3: Overview map Karawanken UNESCO Global Geopark © Urosh Grabner
We invite all interested citizens to join our project and help protect the unique mountain ecosystems of the Karawanken Geopark. You can actively contribute by photographing foreign plants in the Karawanken Geopark and uploading them to iNaturalist.
Using the iNaturalist app, you can photograph any animal or plant. The app identifies the species using artificial intelligence, and the iNaturalist community can confirm or improve your discovery, enhancing the quality of observations over time.
Information about the five most common species in the Karawanken Geopark, their impact, and recognition tips can be found in our project journal on iNaturalist.
Video 1: What is iNaturalist?
No participant data is analyzed in this project. By joining, participants agree to iNaturalist's terms of use. Users control what data is visible to others when creating iNaturalist data, and settings can be managed in account details on the platform.
This project is co-funded by the INTERREG Central Europe project HUMANITA - Human-Nature Interactions and Impacts of Tourism Activities on Protected Areas, supported by the Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE Program 2021-2027 with co-financing from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The project's total budget is EUR 2,396,346.70, with EUR 1,917,077.36 funded by ERDF.
For questions or more information, please contact:
Project Management, FH Kärnten: Lilia Schmalzl (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Project Management EVTZ Geopark Karawanken: Urosh Grabner (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
This project fulfils version 1.1 of the quality criteria for citizen science projects on Österreich forscht.