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Institution: BirdLife Austria
Project lead: Lisa Lugerbauer
BirdLife Österreich
Museumsplatz 1/10/8
1070 Wien
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

"Stunde der Wintervögel" - An hour for winter birds

The Austrian wide winter bird count of BirdLife Austria

Every year, the bird conservation organisation BirdLife Austria hosts the "Hour of Winter Birds", the Austrian winter bird count. All nature lovers are invited to count birds for one hour on the days around January 6th. All participants actively contribute to bird research with their personal count results.

Anyone can take part even without much prior knowledge in bird identification. The campaign focuses on the most common and widespread bird species such as blackbirds, sparrows, finches and tits, that spend the winters in Austria. The main focus is on counting birds at feeders (though they are not mandatory) in settlement areas – in gardens, on balconies or in parks. Aim of the project is to answer the following questions: what is the most common bird species and where does it occur? Which bird species have become rarer? Or: How does the climate crisis affect winter birds?

Counts take place on similar dates in Germany, Czechia, Switzerland and, since 2024, also in Slovakia and Serbia. Therefore, the results can also be compared beyond Austria's borders.
Since 2021, citizen scientists are also invited to upload the best snapshots or video sequences from their own winter bird count.

How to count?

It is up to the birdwatchers to decide on which of the specified days (e.g. January 4th to 6th 2025) and at what time they count. The maximum number of each species observed at one time during the hour has to be recorded. If help in bird identification is needed, a leaflet with illustrations of the most common winter bird species can be ordered from BirdLife Austria or downloaded from the website. The results can be reported by mail or online ( Deadline for reporting is about a week after the count period – the exact date varies from year to year. Participants will also be entered into a draw for prizes intended to promote fun in birdwatching and enthusiasm for nature.

The results can be tracked in real time on the reporting platform of the project "Hour of Winter Birds".


During the 15th winter bird count from January 5th to 7th 2024, 27,821 bird enthusiasts counted almost 700,000 birds. A new participation record!

The data of the last few years clearly show that the number of feathered guests in our gardens is continuously decreasing. This alarming trend is reflected in many habitats across Europe: according to a recent study by BirdLife International, around 600 million breeding birds have disappeared in the last 40 years! The good news is that every garden owner can actively help to stop the current bird decline, at least in their own garden! A natural garden, rich in structure and with a variety of native trees, shrubs, wildflowers and herbs, can help garden birds through spring, summer, autumn and winter by providing important food and breeding possibilities.

Podcast episode

In december 2022, former project leader Katharina Loupal was guest on the Österreich forscht podcast Wissen macht Leute - you can listen to the episode here (in German). 

Contact & further information

Interested parties who have raw data on birds can contact the project manager Evelyn Hofer (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / 0660 9225868). 

All information about the "Hour of Winter Birds" can be found on the BirdLife Austria website (in German).

BirdLife on Social Media: 

 BirdLifeLogo Oesterreich Logo und Claim bunt small
BirdLife Österreich
T ++43 / 1 / 523 46 51
Fax ++43/1/523 46 51 50
A-1070 Wien, Museumsplatz 1/10/8
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

This project fulfils version 1.1 of the quality criteria for citizen science projects on Österreich forscht.

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  • animals
Read 2375 times| Last modified on Tuesday, 25 February 2025 14:56