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[Video] Citizen Science Seminar: Beyond “Potential”: Documenting Learning and Stewardship Outcomes of Community and Citizen Science

[Video] Citizen Science Seminar: Beyond “Potential”: Documenting Learning and Stewardship Outcomes of Community and Citizen Science Foto von KATRIN BOLOVTSOVA: https://www.pexels.com/de-de/foto/holz-natur-wald-draussen-5036722/

Im zweiten Vortrag des Sommersemesters 2024 unseres Citizen Science Seminares an der Universität für Bodenkultur Wien, an dem auch explizit BOKU-externe Personen eingeladen sind, gab uns Prof. Heidi Ballard Einblicke in ihre Arbeit mit Citizen Science an der UC Davis (USA). 

Das Video zum gesamten Vortrag finden Sie weiter unten.

Inhalt des Vortrages (in Englisch)

With over 20 years of experience in studying participatory approaches to environmental science, Dr. Ballard will share the evidence base for the learning and stewardship impacts that participation in community science, citizen science, and related approaches have had. She will also offer some key features of programs that achieve these impacts, and examples of from recent, current, and future research in this area occurring in both expected and novel contexts from her Center for Community and Citizen Science in California, USA.

Mehr zur Vortragenden

Heidi Ballard is Professor of Environmental Science Education and Founder and Faculty Director of the Center for Community and Citizen Science (CCS) in the School of Education at University of California, Davis. She conducts research focused on science and environmental learning that link communities, scientists, and environmental action. Her work focuses on what and how adults and youth learn through community science, citizen science and other forms of public participation in scientific research. She works in varied contexts, from natural history museums to Uganda farmer field schools to carceral settings, using primarily qualitative research methods in partnership with teachers, environmental educators, research scientists, and community-based organizations. Her publications span the fields of environmental and science education, ecology, conservation, social science, forestry, and agriculture. She was a high school biology teacher and science curriculum developer in California, before earning her MA in Science Education and Ph.D. in Environmental Science, Policy and Management focused on forest ecology and natural resource social science. She trains undergraduates, pre-service teachers, and graduate students across the university in environmental science education and participatory action research methods, and leads teacher professional development workshops for teachers and out of school educators to bolster and support community and citizen science.

Heidi Ballard

Der Vortrag auf YouTube 

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